Persuasive Essay Topics

A persuasive essay has a similar approach to argumentative essays. Both of these essay types use logic and sound reasoning when explaining a particular topic and proving that a point has more credibility than another. For a persuasive essay, the goal is to persuade your reader to agree with your perspective or point of view according to a specific topic.

A writer must have solid pieces of evidence for supporting their position in their argument. It is most crucial to choose a topic you have factual content about before writing your essay. Persuading your reader is through providing convincing facts, quotes, examples, and giving logical explanations.

The following are sample topics you can choose from when writing a persuasive essay.

Middle school persuasive essay topics

  • Do you agree kindness is beautiful?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of summer camp.
  • There should be internet filters on school computers.
  • It should be mandatory to participate in school sports.
  • School bullies should receive severe punishment.
  • Reasons why each school needs a school magazine.
  • Are we the reason behind global warming?
  • Women are smarter than men.
  • Tea consumption is more harmful than coffee consumption.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of going to school every month of the year.

High school Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Is it okay to give students good grades extra incentives?
  • College students should have school uniforms.
  • What are the pros and cons of using mobile phones for academic reasons?
  • Is it okay for students to evaluate their tutors?
  • Why do celebrities influence teen girls?
  • Economics rules human behavior.
  • Who has the most influence on teenager’s behavior?
  • Are vampires real?
  • Is time travel possible?
  • Having more than four kids is irresponsible.

College Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Is it true that motherhood devalued because of the feminist movement?
  • Is it possible for today’s generation to educate the older generation?
  • Is it essential to have an age limit for teachers to teach?
  • There should be a limit for assigning academic papers.
  • It’s a good idea to take a year off schoolwork.
  • It will benefit nature hugely by reducing paper consumption.
  • A student gains more from international exchange programs.
  • Exams need abolishment in all learning institutions.
  • It should be mandatory for college students to join a sorority or fraternity.
  • There should be more strict penalties for drunk drivers.

Education Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Is the price of getting a college degree reasonable?
  • It’s wise to ban the use of social media on the school’s premises.
  • Same as students, teachers should take professional tests.
  • It should be illegal for under 18s to drop out of school.
  • The system should reward students with a good record of attendance.
  • There should be an opportunity for students who got good grades to study free in college.
  • All schools need to teach their students computer programming.
  • Making education free will, indeed, lower poverty rates.
  • The government should directly involve themselves in the education sector.
  • The benefits of studying at home as opposed to a learning institution.


When writing your persuasive essay, do not just state the facts. You should go deeper than that. Similarly, choose a topic that you are sure you can persuade your reader on effectively.

You need to avoid a topic if it has the following features:

  • Complex,
  • Not interesting,
  • Emotionally-charged,
  • Too familiar.

Your topic should:

  • Check for facts and evidence,
  • Take a stand,
  • Outline your essay’s purpose,
  • Be on edge.


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